Time period 2023-2026 Client Main-Taunus-Kreis Am Kreishaus 1-5 Construction costs |
Services LP 1-8 Brandschutz ⋅ LP 1-8 Wärmeschutz |
Time period 2017-2025 Client Aberdeen + Gero FBS 106 GmbH & Co. KG Construction costs |
Services Baulärmmessungen ⋅ noise control ⋅ Brandschutz LP 1-8 ⋅ Immissionsschutz nach AVV-Baulärm und TA-Lärm ⋅ Schal- und Bewehrungspläne ⋅ Tragewerksplanung LP 1-8 Sommerlicher Wärmeschutz |
Time period 2019-2024 Client FWI GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 60 63303 Dreieich Construction costs |
Services Wärmeschutz LP1-8, Schallschutz LP1-8, KfW Förderung als EH55, Statik LP1-8 inkl. Schal- und Bewehrungspläne, Baulärmkonzepte Abbruch + Neubau, Erschütterungsmessung |
Services noise control ⋅ construction physics ⋅ Energy consulting ⋅ KfW Förderung eines EG 40 EE |
Time period 2022-2025 Client Kreis Offenbach, Werner-Hilpert-Str. 1, 63128 Dietzenbach Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ LP1-8 |
Time period 2023-2025 Client Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Hofgartenstraße 8, 80539 München Construction costs |
Services thermal insulation ⋅ CFD Simulation ⋅ FDS |
Time period 2019-2022 Client Main-Taunus-Kreis Am Kreishaus 1-5 Construction costs |
Services Fire prevention |
Time period 2019 - 2024 Client Main-Taunus-Kreis Am Kreishaus 1-5 Construction costs |
Services Fire prevention |
Time period 2022-2024 Client Main-Taunus-Kreis Am Kreishaus 1-5 Construction costs |
Services Fire prevention |
Time period 2022-2024 Client Grundstücksverwaltung Industriestraße Kelkheim GmbH, Industriestraße 7. 65779 Kelkheim Construction costs |
Services Schallimmissionsprognose |
Time period 2021-2024 Client Signa Real Estate Management Germany Ulmenstraße 37-39 60325 Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services Wärmeschutz, Schallschutz, Raumakustik, Immissionsschutz nach TA-Lärm und AVV-Baulärm (Abbruch+Hochbau), LP1-5 |
Time period 2022-2023 Client Stadt Chemnitz Gebäudemanagement und Hochbau SG Bildungseinrichtung Construction costs |
Services Heißbemessung Containerschule |
Time period 2021-2023 Client Kreis Offenbach, Werner-Hilpert-Str. 1 63128 Dietzenbach Construction costs |
Services |
Time period 2021-2023 Client Main-Taunus-Kreis Am Kreishaus 1-5 Construction costs |
Services LP 1-3 Tragwerksplanung ⋅ LP 1-8 Brandschutz |
Time period 2022-2018 Client Rene Reif Consulting GmbH, München Construction costs |
Services Außenlämmessungen ⋅ building physics, sound and thermal insulation, acoustics, immission insulation, construction and demolishing noise conception ⋅ BEG-Förderung ⋅ Energy consulting according to KfW guidelines ⋅ Erschütterungsmessung ⋅ thermal bridge calculations |
Time period 2022-2019 Client Diehl Projekt- und Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG Construction costs |
Services Bauphysik ⋅ Statik ⋅ construction physics |
Services CFD-Simulation ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ Simulation/analysis of building components at high temperatures |
Time period 2021 Client Landkreis Darmstadt Dieburg (LaDiDa) Construction costs |
Services 3-D Heißbemessung ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ Naturbrandberechnung |
Time period 2022-2019 Client Radeberger Brauerei GmbH Construction costs |
Services 3-D Heißbemessung ⋅ Brandschutzkonzepte ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ Naturbrandberechnung |
Time period 2019-2021 Client WestUnvest Gesellschaft für Immobilienfonds mbh Hamborner Str. 55 40472 Düsseldorf Construction costs |
Services Erschütterung nach DIN 4150, Schallmessung, Tageslichtmessung |
Time period 2021-2004 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Fire protection and -safety plan for a listed/historic administrative building ⋅ escape-and-rescue plans ⋅ Glasbruchberechnung |
Services CFD-Simulation ⋅ Glasbruchberechnung ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ Statische Nachweise |
Services thermal insulation |
Services Brandfallsteuermatrix ⋅ fire protection and safety plan ⋅ fire safety regulations ⋅ Heißbemessung von denkmalgeschützten Holzbalkendecken |
Time period 2021 Client Landkreis Darmstadt Dieburg (LaDiDa) Construction costs |
Services thermal insulation ⋅ Simulation/analysis of building components at high temperatures ⋅ Naturbrandberechnung |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ Brandschutztechnische Überwachung |
Time period 2021-2022 Client Publikat GmbH Construction costs |
Services CFD-Simulation ⋅ Simulation/analysis of a steel hall at high temperatures ⋅ Naturbrandberechnung |
Services 3-D thermal bridges ⋅ thermal insulation |
Time period 2019-2018 Client Main-Taunus District Department of School Construction Construction costs |
Services construction noise concept ⋅ Fire prevention ⋅ immission control ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ acoustic measurements ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-4, structural fire protection |
Services Außenlämmessungen ⋅ building acoustistics ⋅ immission control ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ Tageslichtsimulation ⋅ thermal building physics |
Time period 2019-2017 Client Lang & Cie. Real Estate AG Construction costs |
Services Abbruchlärmkonzept ⋅ Acoustics ⋅ construction noise concept ⋅ Bauphysik ⋅ immission control ⋅ Kontrollmessung ⋅ noise control ⋅ Tageslichtstudie ⋅ construction physics |
Services static, fire protection, building acoustics, energy certificate |
Time period 2019-2018 Client BEOS AG Niederlassung Frankfurt a. M. Construction costs |
Services CFD-Simulation ⋅ Simulation/analysis of an existing steel structure at high temperatures Form |
Time period 2018-2015 Client GeRo Real Estate AG Construction costs |
Services structural engineering HOAI 1-8 |
Services building acoustistics ⋅ immission control ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ Tageslichtberechnung ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ Thermische Gebäudesimulation |
Time period 2018-2016 Client Arthur Wiener Liegenschaften Construction costs |
Services immission control ⋅ Lärmmessung ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2018-2016 Client Diehl Projekt- und Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG Construction costs |
Services EnEV ⋅ noise control ⋅ Statik |
Services construction noise concept ⋅ immission insulation for car park and ventilation system ⋅ LEED simulation ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise immission calculation for mechanical workshop ⋅ noise insulation certificate ⋅ daylight simulation for LEED ⋅ construction physics |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ CFD-Simulation ⋅ escape-and-rescue plans ⋅ Simulation/analysis of existing ribbed slab ceilings at high temperatures |
Services construction noise concept ⋅ Bauphysik ⋅ Gebäude- und Tageslichtsimulation ⋅ immission control ⋅ Leed-Zertifizierung ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise control ⋅ Siege ⋅ Thermische Komfortsimulation ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2017-2016 Client Neunte Argon Lahnstraße 37 GmbH Construction costs |
Services Außenlärmpegelmessung ⋅ Tageslichtberechnung |
Services structural engineering HOAI 1-8, preventive fire protection, Planning of Evacuation and Rescue Ways |
Services escape-and-rescue plans ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Services building acoustistics ⋅ construction noise concept ⋅ Baulärmmessungen ⋅ EnEV-Nachweis ⋅ Immissionsschutznachweis ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ thermal simulation |
Time period 2017-2010 Client Planungsring Ressel GmbH Hr. Werner Construction costs |
Services Structural fire protection ⋅ Betonsanierungsgutachten ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2017-2000 Client DeTe-Immobilien/Strabag Hr. Rockel Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridge calculations ⋅ structural fire protection ⋅ Noise immission calculation ⋅ acoustic measurements ⋅ noise control ⋅ Structural engineering HOAI 1-4 ⋅ construction physics |
Services Schal- und Bewährungspläne ⋅ Statik |
Services Acoustics ⋅ construction noise concept ⋅ DGNB ⋅ energy plan ⋅ immission control ⋅ noise control ⋅ Siege ⋅ Tageslichtberechnung ⋅ Thermische Gebäudesimulation ⋅ construction physics |
Services Schal- und Bewährungspläne ⋅ Statik |
Services Acoustics ⋅ Baulärm ⋅ immission control ⋅ noise control ⋅ Siege ⋅ Thermische Gebäudesimulation ⋅ construction physics |
Services Tageslichtberechnung, Besonnung und Verschattungsstudie zum Nachweise gesunder Wohn- und Arbeitsverhältnisse |
Services Naturbrandberechnung mehrerer Büronutzungen, Heißbemessung einer betonummantelten Stahlkonstruktion |
Time period 2016-2017 Client Stadt Frankfurt am Main Amt für Bau u. Immobilien Solmsstraße 27-37 60486 Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services LP 1-3 Brandschutz |
Services structuraql engineering HOAI 1-6, thermal, sound and immission insulation calculation, room acoustics, temperatural calculation of existing basin |
Time period 2015-2011 Client Lang+Cie, Fr. Keilholz Construction costs |
Services construction noise measurment ⋅ fire protection and safety plan ⋅ EnEV ⋅ temperaural calculation of ripped ceiling ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ sound immission insulation ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ calculation of shading of the entrance foyer ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2014-2011 Client AGIMA AG, Hr. Bach Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ escape-and-rescue plan for people with disabilities ⋅ fire control matrix ⋅ structural fire protection |
Time period 2014-2009 Client Hochbauamt Stadt Frankfurt Hr. Winkler Construction costs |
Services structural engineering HOAI 1-8, strucutral fire protection |
Time period 2014-2009 Client Hochbauamt Frankfurt am Main Hr.Boy Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ CFD-Simulation ⋅ Entrauchung ⋅ thermal insulation |
Services Fire protection and -safety plan for the conversion of an industrial warehouse |
Time period 2014 - 2010 Client Architects Witan, Russ, Lang Construction costs |
Services Fire prevention ⋅ noise control ⋅ Statische Nachweise ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2014-2012 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ passive house design ⋅ noise control ⋅ Thermische Gebäudesimulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Services thermal insulation ⋅ immission control certification ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ room acoustics simulations ⋅ noise control calculations ⋅ noise insulation certificate ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2014-2012 Client Lang+Cie Hr. Holler Construction costs |
Services DGNB ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise control ⋅ construction physics ⋅ thermal insulation, noise control, room acoustics, DGNB |
Time period 2014-2011 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2014-2011 Client Lang+Cie Hr. Geiger Construction costs |
Services immission control certification ⋅ passive house design ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ Raumakustische Simulationen ⋅ noise control ⋅ noise insulation certificate ⋅ thermal simulation |
Time period 2013-2011 Client Lang+Cie Hr. Glatter Construction costs |
Services Thermal insulation, noise controll, DGNB Audit, room acoustics, room acoustics simulation, thermal simulation, daylight simulation, thermal building physics, sound immission calculation, sound measurement |
Time period 2013-2011 Client Codema Fr. Schimsheimer Construction costs |
Services Certification according to PHPP program for passive houses ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal simulation of the ground floor |
Time period 2013-2011 Client Hochbauamt Frankfurt Fr. Igel Construction costs |
Services Nachweis nach PHPP Programm für Passivhäuser, Schallschutz, Raumakustik, Schallimmissionsschutz, Thermische Simulation der Nachtauskühlung |
Services fire protection and safety plan ⋅ noise control certification ⋅ H&S coordination planning and implementation phase ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ thermal insulation certification |
Time period 2013-2009 Client Nordwestkrankenhaus Hr. Lutz Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2013-2008 Client F40 GmbH Fr. Hemmerle-Neber Construction costs |
Services KFW-70 planning ⋅ structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2013-2012 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ passive house design ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2013-2001 Client OFB Hr. Hablowetz Construction costs |
Services EnEV 2009 ⋅ preliminary passive house concept as part of an acquisition ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise control ⋅ Structural engineering HOAI 1-4 ⋅ thermal building physics |
Time period 2013-2012 Client PM Architekten Hr. Pischulti Construction costs |
Services calculation of CO2-reductions ⋅ passive house design ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal simulation |
Time period 2013-2012 Client KonzeptBau GmbH Hr. Lange Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2013-2012 Client Arthur Wiener Liegenschaften Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ H&S coordination planning and implementation phase ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services thermal insulation, noise control, DGNB Audit, room acoustics simulation, thermal building physics, sound immission calculation, sound measurement, H&S coordination |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2012-2010 Client Architecture firm Scharnberger Construction costs |
Services EnEV 2009 ⋅ immission control ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2012-2010 Client Education Office of the Main-Taunus-District Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2012-2010 Client Hochbauamt Frankfurt Hr.Starnowsky Construction costs |
Services Structural fire protection ⋅ Sanierung Holzdach ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2012-2009 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ passive house design ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2012-2006 Client Frankfurt Building Authority, Mr. Rook Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridge calculations ⋅ fire safety regulations ⋅ calculation of evacuation routes ⋅ escape-and-rescue plans ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2012, 2006-2005 Client Urban Planning Department, Construction Management Offenbach Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridges ⋅ Thermal insulation certification |
Services Noise level calculations according to BimschV and TA-Lärm ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Services Room acoustic simulation of a call center |
Services Simulation/analysis of an existing steel structure at high temperatures Form |
Time period Client Broghammer.Jana. Wohlleber Fr. Kaiser Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of existing ribbed slab ceilings at high temperatures |
Time period 2011-2010 Client City of Bad Homburg, Mr. Bachmann Construction costs |
Services temperaural calculation of ripped ceiling ⋅ structural fire protection |
Services Simulation/analysis of a steel gymnasium at high temperatures |
Time period 2011-2007 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services strucuteal engineering HOAI 1-8, thermal and sound insulation, structural fire protection and safety plan, temperatural calculation of steel beams, feasibility study of roofing a yard with unprotected steel |
Time period 2010-2009 Client Elischer Bauen GmbH + Co. KG Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2010-2009 Client Elischer Bauen GmbH + Co. KG/Faller+Krück Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2010-2009 Client Hochbauamt Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services building acoustistics ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2010-2008 Client Lang+ Groß Mrs. Keilholz Construction costs |
Services energy plan ⋅ EnEV 2009 ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ Structural engineering HOAI 1-4 ⋅ thermal building physics |
Time period 2010-2008 Client OFB Mr. Berg Construction costs |
Services dynamic simulation of the building ⋅ Certification according to PHPP ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ sound immission insulation ⋅ noise control |
Services Konstruktiver Brandschutz, Heißbemessung |
Time period 2010-2007 Client OFB Mr. Bender Construction costs |
Services EnEV 2009 ⋅ immission control ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ room acoustics simulations ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2010-2005 Client EPM Assetis Mr. Danielzik Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2010-2005 Client EPM Assetis Mr. Danielzik Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2010-2005 Client EPM Assetis Mr. Danielzik Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2009-2008 Client City of Bad Homburg Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2009-2008 Client Elischer Bauen GmbH + Co. KG/ Landes Architekten Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2009-2007 Client Aschaffenburg Building Authority, Mr. Hartmann Construction costs |
Services calculation of evacuation routes ⋅ thermal insulation ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2009-2007 Client Hochbauamt Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services Brandschutzkonzepte |
Time period 2009-2005 Client Ludwig +Partner/Mr. Ludwig Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2009-2005 Client Wohnheim/Mr. Walter Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2011-2009 Client Fabergé-Museum Construction costs |
Services EnEV 2009 ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 |
Time period 2008-2006 Client Adina Mr. Patrick Finney Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 |
Time period 2008-2007 Client Gross+Partner/OFB, Mr. Unger Construction costs |
Services EnEV 2009 ⋅ room acoustics ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 |
Time period 2008-2007 Client Wohnheim GmbH/FAAG-Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ Structural engineering HOAI 1-4 |
Time period 2008-2007 Client A-Z Architects Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ Passive house ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2008-2007 Client HVB Immobilien Mrs. Tacke Construction costs |
Services Energy passport for existing buildings according to DIN 18599 |
Time period 2008-2007 Client OFB, Mr. Kunz Construction costs |
Services room acoustics ⋅ acoustic measurements ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ thermal bridge calculations |
Time period 2006-2005 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural engineering HOAI 1-8, thermal and sound insulation, structural fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2006-2005 Client CGI, Mr. Löffler Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period 2006-2005 Client HVB Immobilien, Mr. Sopar Construction costs |
Services energy passport according to DIN 18599 ⋅ structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ Structural engineering HOAI 1-4 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2006-2005 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Brandschutzkonzepte ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics |
Time period 2006-2005 Client Gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft mbH Offenbach Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2006-2005 Client NiBu Real Estate Management Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Services Simulation/analysis of a listed steel hall at high temperatures |
Time period 2006-2002 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2009 Client Naxos-Union Real Estate Management Society Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of steel components at high temperatures |
Time period 2005 Client Apollo Optik Schwalbach Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2005-2004 Client Neumann+Partner Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2005-2004 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of a steel structure at high temperatures (automotive fire) |
Time period 2004-2003 Client Nitsch Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2004-2003 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period 2004-2003 Client Heil Architects, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2004-2002 Client Helvetia Insurance Company, Mr.Lewalter Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridge calculations ⋅ EnEV 2002 ⋅ structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ SiGeKo ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 |
Time period 2004-2000 Client Heil Architects, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ WSV 95 |
Time period 2003-2002 Client Savings Bank Wetterau, Friedberg Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridge calculations ⋅ EnEV 2002 ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 |
Time period 2003-2002 Client Fa. Jöst Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2003 Client NHT Architects, Mr. v. Mende, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services Vorbeugender Brandschutz, Konstruktiver Brandschutz |
Time period 2003 Client HVB Immobilien, Mr. Sopar Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection |
Time period 2003 Client DeTe Immobilien, NDL Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services Flurwände aus Gips, Gussasphalt im Brandfall, Heißbemessung einer Bimssteindecke im Brandfall |
Time period 2002-2001 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Assessment structural fire protection of existing ceilings |
Time period 2002 Client Clariant, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services Structural fire protection ⋅ assessment according to EC 3 1-2 |
Time period 2002-2001 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Assessment structural fire protection of existing ceilings |
Services Refurbishment of an office high-rise |
Time period 2002-2001 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Assessment structural fire protection of existing ceilings |
Time period 2002-2001 Client Fa. Jöst Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2002 Client Frick+Reichert Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services coordination planning and implementation phase ⋅ quality control of the shell ⋅ noise control ⋅ SiGeKo ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ WSV 95 |
Time period 2002-2000 Client Heil Architects, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2002 Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2002 Client Regional Building Authority Friedberg Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2002 Client Clariant, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of steel components at high temperatures |
Time period 2002 Client Barclays Bank Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2001 Client Frick+Reichert, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 2001 Client Praunheimer Werkstätten Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2002 Client German Sports Federation Construction costs |
Services Thermal bridge calculations to install new windows |
Time period 2000-1996 Client Helvetia Insurance Company, Mr.Lewalter Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ thermal bridge calculations ⋅ WSV 95 |
Time period 2000 Client Boethling Architects, Offenbach Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1999 Client Hahnenfeld Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services thermal simulation |
Time period 1998-1995 Client Hypo Real/Köhler Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services thermal simulation |
Time period 1998-1997 Client Bruns Architects, Erfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ WSV 95 |
Time period 1997-1991 Client Neudam Architects, Königstein Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1997 - 1996 Client Gesipa Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ WSV 95 |
Time period 1997 Client Frick+Frick Architects, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services 3-D thermal bridge calculations ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal building physics ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1996-1991 Client H. Quandt Asset Management, Bad Homburg Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1995 - 1992 Client Bayr. Hypobank jetzt Unicredit/Hr. Sopar Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1994-1990 Client Real Estate Management Diehl, Frankfurt/Main Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1994 Client Köhler Architects Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1992-1991 Client Wölk Architects Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1991 Client Regional Building Authority Friedberg Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1993 Client Regional Building Authority Friedberg Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1990 Client Regional Building Authority II Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1990 Client Heil Architects, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1989-1988 Client Heil Architects, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1988-1987 Client Arch. NHT, Frankfurt am Main Construction costs |
Services noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period 1987 Client FAAG-Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-8 ⋅ construction physics |
Time period Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of steel girder ceilings with fillers and ribbed slab ceilings at high temperatures |
Services Konstruktiver Brandschutz, Heißbemessung |
Time period Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of exposed steel girders in the atrium at high temperatures |
Time period Client GWH Frankfurt, Mr. Berfacker Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of concrete ribbed ceilings at high temperatures |
Services Simulation/analysis of a steel hall at high temperatures |
Time period Client DeTe Immobilien, NDL Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of a steel girder encased in concrete at high temperatures |
Time period Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Services Brandschutzkonzept für einen Sonderbau /Neubau |
Time period Client Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period Client Hessische Red Square GmbH Neu Isenburg Construction costs |
Services H&S coordination planning and implementation phase |
Time period 2002 Client Arch. Scharnberger Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services structural fire protection ⋅ noise control ⋅ thermal simulation ⋅ structural engineering HOAI 1-6 ⋅ construction physics |
Services Schallschutz zwischen Wohneinheiten und gegen Außenlärm |
Time period Client Braun + Schlockermann Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of a timber ceiling with floating screed at high temperatures |
Services Simulation/analysis of a car park at high temperatures (automotive fire) |
Services thermal insulation ⋅ structural fire protection |
Time period Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |
Time period Client Frankfurt Building Authority Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of steel girder ceilings with fillers and ribbed slab ceilings at high temperatures |
Services thermal insulation ⋅ structural fire protection ⋅ fire protection and -safety plan |
Time period Client VGF Frankfurt Construction costs |
Services Simulation/analysis of a glass cone of the subway station at high temperatures |
Time period Client Beyer+Wittig Gbr Construction costs |
Services fire protection and safety plan |